Monday, June 23, 2008

Hail the conquering hero

Yesterday "the city" (we live in the next township) had a parade in celebration of "Old Fashioned Days." I have no clue what Old Fashioned Days is (are?), except that it is a five-day festival. I have never attended, but we decided that we would take the kids to the parade yesterday.

As we sat along the five-lane main drag in our lawn chairs, watching the people across the street watch us, dark clouds rolled in from the southwest. My sister called me--she lives in that direction, and she was headed our way to visit our mom, and she reported that she had driven out of a cloudburst.

When the lightning started, we piled back into the van just in time. The storm brought not just rain, but quarter-sized hail. When the, ahem, cloudburst passed, we got back out of the car and waited by the now-closed road. By then, it was well past the start time of the festivities.

Eventually, about thirty minutes after the parade was scheduled to pass, a police car drove up the middle lane of the road. On his PA system, the officer announced, "The parade is on hold because of the I don't know for how long..... The parade is on hold because of the I don't know for how long." I laughed out loud at his smirk as he cruised by.

So we came back home and watched an old movie on television. The Man Who Knew Too Much may not throw candy or play marches, but it made for an enjoyable time anyway.

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