Sunday, July 27, 2008

Update on the Dog

We finally got a call from the emergency vet--we could go pick up Dirty Harry.

When we got there, he appeared fine and was happy to see us. I went up to pay and was told the bill came to $987 dollars and some change.

Whaaatt? I was told about $600 dollars. I spoke to the vet, who slashed $100 off of the bill. She said she didn't know the antibiotics were so expensive. She said she didn't know we'd need all those x-rays, but we had only one more set when I got the estimate. She also told me that her total and the computer total were different and she didn't know why. The whole thing appeared to be horribly disorganized.

Needless to say, I am going to follow up on this bill.

EG is dreadfully unhappy about the bill; although we have the emergency funds to pay it, that is a lot of money for one day of hospitalization.

Before I left, I asked when to look for a bowel movement. I was told, "Soon" and informed that I should check it.

When we got the dog home, he immediately went to the bathroom, having a normal visit. The kids applauded him, and EG commented, "A nine hundred dollar bowel movement."

Is this where we say "priceless?"

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